If during the 14 days following the delivery you change your mind about your purchase, or are dissatisfied with the item(s) you ordered: it is possible to return your SmartBag or exchange it for another one. The cost of returning the item(s) to us is at your expense.
Simply follow our return procedures: complete the return form available here and send it to us in addition to the items you want to exchange or return. If you opt for a return, remember to indicate the product you wish to exchange it for. If you request a refund, it will be paid back into your account within 30 days.
Please send your package to:
Everless B.V.
Vijzelgracht 25B
1017HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
2) Guarantee Policy
We believe in a world where quality derides quantity. That is why we create state-of-the-art design products that enable you to do more with less. Unfortunately, despite strict controls in the production process, a few products might have quality deficits.
Subject line: Guarantee exchange/refund request
Your Name
Your Order Number
Description of the damage on your SmartBag
A picture of the damage
We will examine your message carefully and in case of a lack of conformity, will replace the product. If this is not possible due to limited stock, we will refund the purchase price paid.